It is through the generosity of our parishoners that helps to keep our parishes strong.
Thank you for continuing to support your parish through prayer, volunteering and finances!
Check out our Faith Formation page to learn more about ways to strengthen your prayer life.
Check out our Ministries page to learn how you can give of your time and talent.
Financial Support:
Many parishioners use the ACH method of tithing, where your donation money is automatically withdrawn from your account and deposited into the parish checking account. If you wish to be set up with ACH, stop at the parish office and pick up a form to fill out so that you can tithe using ACH. Should you wish to drop off a check or cash, please call parish office in advance to be sure someone is available to receive your donation.
Thank you to those who contribute financially to our parish in whichever manner you choose!
Would you consider including your parish in your will? Talk to your Tax Advisor or Accountant to find out the tax benefits when including your parish in your estate planning.
You can also contact your parish office to learn more.