Sadly Spalding Catholic School closed after the 2023-2024 school year. To request alumni information or transcripts, see below:
Mailing address: PO Box 436, Alton, IA 51003
Call: 712-756-4224 (St. Mary's Rectory)
Inquiries can also be sent to: [email protected]
JMC Access
Alumni (click for a listing of alumni)
Monthly Newsletter
Tuition Assistance and Financial Aid information (through Gehlen Catholic)
Student Handbook
Grading Scale & Policies
Mission Statement
The mission of Spalding Catholic School is to instill a belief in God and self, and provide excellence in learning through mutual support, service and Catholic leadership.
Vision Statement
Superior education guided by Catholic faith.
Our History
Spalding Catholic School was formed from Alton St. Mary's Academy Elementary and High School and Parish, Granville St. Joseph's Catholic Elementary and High School and Parish and St. Anthony's Catholic Elementary School and Parish. St. Mary's Academy High School and St. Joseph's High School were funded and maintained by the respective parishes until June 1, 1962.
At the request of Bishop Joseph Mueller, Ordinary of the Sioux City Diocese, the two high schools joined to form Spalding Catholic High School at that time. The first graduating class from Spalding Catholic High School was in the spring of 1963. Father Dale George was the first superintendent of Spalding.
The name chosen was in honor of the great Archbishop of Peoria, John Lancaster Spalding. Our Lady of Lourdes is the patron saint of the school.
With decreasing enrollment and fewer teaching Sisters, the consolidation of the three parish grade schools was undertaken in 1978. Kindergarten through second grade would be at the Hospers center; third through fifth would be at the Granville center as well as the high school; sixth through eighth grades would be at the Alton center. Sister Virginia Jennings was the principal of the three centers. From 1978-2013, all three centers were used for various grade levels, with the high school students always in the high school building in Granville.
In 2012-13, after discernment and a year long process, a decision was made to close Spalding Catholic High School and unify grades 9-12 with Gehlen Catholic High School in LeMars. The last graduating class of Spalding Catholic High School was 2013, exactly 50 years after the school was first founded.
Due to a continuing decline in enrollment, the closing of our preschool, and staffing needs, the School Board made the difficult decision to close Spalding Catholic School altogether.2023-24 SPIRITUAL THEME
This is our theme for the 2023-24 school year...
“Be joyful in Hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." – Romans 12:12
Let us take time out of our busy daily activities evaluating if/how we are:
Joyful in Hope
Patient in Affliction
Faithful in Prayer
Thanks to our many supporters Spalding Catholic is able to provide a quality Christ-centered education for all families!
Click on the link below or one of the links to the left to find out how you can help support Spalding Catholic financially.
We also appreciate your support of Time, Talent and most especially, Prayer!
Give a gift to Spalding Catholic School now by clicking the Donate button below...
Spalding Catholic School - 908 6th Ave. (Box 436), Alton, IA 51003
Main Office: 712-756-4532 / Development Office: 712-756-4528
[email protected]